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as above, so below - jack d. harvey

Ding, dong,

Bell's theorem; 

a stop on the bus;

pussy's well-connected

paws hold fast

her grid

the narcotics in

dad's pipe

explode the baleful sun,


now and then.

Could it be,

caught in the field,


is locked and bolted,

delivered ready-made today?

Unchanged, we strut out the door,

make our schemes while

Einstein's ghost

in patterns

comes and goes,

whispering chaos



come and gone,

like distant thunder.

Leave the gates open:

back and forth

across the field,

like an ox, 

the shuttling flux

gives an answer.

No question:

if the mini-maxi bits

of the world

travel fast and alone,

zipping down

unpredestined grooves,

then the bible's right;


all is a watch in the night,

the night gang

watching for the

swing of chance

to show a way,

make a map to somewhere,

accurate as random waves

or the gods' good will.

The dance is dancing;

the spiders and horses


in great and small circles 

leave not a trace; 

only web and sweat

remain for the flies.

Jack D. Harvey’s poetry has appeared in Scrivener, The Comstock Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Typishly Literary Magazine, The Antioch Review, The Piedmont Poetry Journal and elsewhere. The author has been a Pushcart nominee and over the years has been published in a few anthologies. The author has been writing poetry since he was sixteen and lives in a small town near Albany, New York. He once owned a cat who could whistle “Sweet Adeline,” use a knife and fork and killed a postman.


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