Swatara Creek
the different speeds
of clouds
distant bird
overtaken by the clouds
rushing toward me
how different we are cumulus clouds
cirrostratus night
Arcturus shimmers
beyond the veil
blue dawn moon
the cloud peaks
earthshine greys
a stratocumulus night
palm blossom
the golden hour mellows
the altocumulus sky
lightning between clouds
over the water
calvus cloud
the swift’s motionless wings
propel her skyward
cumulus humilis shatters
and falls to earth.

Joshua St. Claire is an accountant from a small town in Pennsylvania who works as a financial director for a large non-profit. His poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Lana Turner, Sugar House Review, Two Thirds North, Allium, and The Inflectionist Review, among others. His work has appeared in the Dwarf Stars Anthology and he is the winner of the Gerald Brady Memorial Senryu Award and the Trailblazer Award.