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ocean haiku - joshua st. claire

scent of ozone 

roiling the turquoise 


still breathing 

the weight 

of the sea  

going out makes coming in visible waves in teal 

low tide 

a fiddler crab 

here and there 

the colors of water coquina shells 

pelican squadrons 

tracing the ecliptic 

stratus scud 

the sky and sea 

switch colors 

blue evening 

cirrus radiatus 

an auger snail 

twists in the tide 

whipping the saw palm 

the same wind 

driving the waves 

aquarelle twilight 

the ocean re-erases 

sanderling tracks

Joshua St. Claire is an accountant from a small town in Pennsylvania who works as a financial director for a large non-profit. His poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Lana Turner, Sugar House Review, Two Thirds North, Allium, and The Inflectionist Review, among others. His work has appeared in the Dwarf Stars Anthology and he is the winner of the Gerald Brady Memorial Senryu Award and the Trailblazer Award.


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