Moored at Swansea Bay, boats shine
white as ivory tusks
under a watercolour sky with
clouds like new spring lambs, a deep blue
ocean mirrors the boats floating there
as another boat comes into rest.
As another boat comes into rest a deep blue
ocean mirrors the boats floating there
with clouds like new spring lambs,
under a watercolour sky.
White as ivory tusks boats shine
moored at Swansea Bay.

Lindsay Comer has a Masters in Creative Writing and is based in South Wales. Her work has featured in Gwyllion Magazine, The Daily Drunk, Viridian Door, Litmora Literary Magazine, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, The Dirigible Balloon, The Hooghly Review amongst others. She has a short story forthcoming in Laughs in Space (Slab Press) You can find her on Twitter- Lindsay_Writes3.