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the hallows of autumn - a.j.m aldrian

Writer's picture: theperiwinklepelictheperiwinklepelic

Come to me with cardamom seeds

And crinkled leaves 

Perhaps I'll find answers in

when they’re spiced into a potion

Matchsticks and lipgloss whispers

Warm, dry hands grasping

at smoke

Happier still to rot and choke

Better than blood on my hands

And I'll walk the cemeteries

to meet ghosts of the past

in the sunny cold

I'll dance in the wind before winter hits

Better. Better. Better

You addictive mind

You broken heart

Cauldrons kept warmth

as they do boil and sin

Crackling fire flicks

and burnt ashes that taste too sweet

On my blackened bride-teeth

Tears belong in the potion

I'll drink it raw again

Because I forgot warmth a long time ago

Pain is my ecstasy

So don't drag me inside when it's too cold outside

I like the cold

and I like this happy, gray sky

that lies to us

As you could reach it 

and touch summer again

Poison. Like the taste of it

Don't you know me better

Death and survival are the same anyways

We die even if 

we survive right now

So when the leaves fall off the trees

For their yearly death

I find myself in them

in the poison potion.

In these Hollows of Autumn

Time being time...

Those evil eyes that scare me

Are my eyes

The only monsters we see

are only the ones from within.

A.J.M. Aldrian is a graduate of Hamline University, with a BFA in Creative Writing, she loves many genres including fiction; horror, sci-fi, literary, and fantasy, also poetry and non-fiction, historical, nature and memoir. She collects books and loves spending time cuddled up reading with her partner and cat.


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