he left the house again without having breakfast
forehead pulsating rusty tacks with lack of sleep
a quick sip of luminous Monster missed his mouth and spilled on his shirt
a song in the cold air
paused in the garden to watch these mad wasps eating away at his shed door
four of them
should have been long gone that time of year
all frantic and chewing away at the skin of the wood like it was a kebab at 3AM
hoped one would sting him so he’d have an excuse not to go to work
fuck it
he put his face by the shed door and closed his eyes
felt one land on his face
then another
the pain finally hit his cheekbone
then his ear
he scurried back inside to inspect his trophies
face was red and swollen
peeled off his suit jacket and smiled
even with the agony this would be the best Monday morning in 12 years
he’d nap until at least noon
catch up on some reading
watch some tv without falling asleep
he called his manager
hardly containing his excitement
hi boss it’s me I was attacked by a bastard swarm of wasps so I sadly can’t make it in today
Barry get your arse in here pronto we’ve no time for this
one of them fancy filters won’t fool me
I’m not lying this time
I’ve been stung I promise I promise I prom
look stung or not you look fine
in fact I’ve never seen you with this kind of energy in years
we’re too far behind
come in or you’re fired
Barry staggered back out the door to get the bus
rain drizzled from a hoard of grey
hollow footsteps echoing in the emptiness
the wasps were gone.
John Gerard Fagan is the author of Fish Town and Silent Riders of the Sea.

Dr. Rachel Turney is an educator and teacher trainer. Her poems and prose are published in The Font Journal, Nap Lit, Ranger, Through Lines Magazine, Bare Back, Lobster Salad and Champagne, and Teach Write Journal. Her photography appears in By the Beach. Blog: turneytalks.wordpress.com Instagram: @turneytalks