I ask the guardian of time what he thinks of humanity
his eyes smiled as his mouth cried
in his tears i saw memories
memories of war, famine, love, heartbreak, betrayal woven in between the tiny particles of hope
there it was, the legacy of mankind, painted in all it’s viciousness
“But what of goodness? What of hope?” I asked the guardian
“For every puddle of evil there is a raindrop of good. You must catch the raindrop before it falls, before it is poisoned by the puddle. Know that you are flawed, you are but a reflection of your earth. The more you destroy your home the more you destroy yourself. Bit by bit you add to the puddle until it drowns you. Then God will send another flood to cleanse you.”
My feet ripped between the earth beneath me
the bones behind my skin embraced in a fearful cracking hug
a final tear escaped the mouth of the guardian
it sat still, frozen
hoping to be caught

Hamzah Taleb is a 21-year-old Palestinian creative from Toronto, Canada attending school at York University for Law and Society, with a minor in creative writing. At the age of 17, in 2021 Hamzah published his first poetry book titled The Nature of Love. His second book is set to be published early 2025. Hamzah began writing poetry over a decade ago at the age of 10. He continues to write with passion as he writes about subjects surrounding love and romance, self-identity, and his Palestinian heritage.